You will need Quicktime to view the videos. Check with your parents to see if your computer already has it. If not, ask them if you can download it for free.

Tuck Everlasting Puppet Shows
Each puppet show was created entirely by students. Each student read the book Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbit. After reading the book and discussing it with our class, students wrote a short script for the scene they felt brought out the theme of the book and created their setting and characters. Some even created their own scene, not in the book, demonstrating what they thought life might be like based on their understanding of the story.

Below are the videos the students created. Not only did each student read the book, write the script, and create the scene/characters, they also videotaped their show and edited their own movie using iMovie on the eMacs we have in our classroom. Each student had fun learning this software, editing video, adding sound and credits, and learning how to include transitions and animation. Everyone did an excellent job and should be very proud of the work completed. I know I'm proud of everyone!

Each video is linked by the creator's initials. Find your initials and click on the link. It may take a few minutes to load so be patient.

Puppet Shows

AA - Fishing with Miles KD_HA - Wheel of Life NB - Cemetary
AR - Changing Water Changing Life KS_JW - Foster's Woods NG - Tuck's Advice
AR_AF - The Slide of Life MF - Some Coffee RH - Wheel of Life
BH - The Wheel MG - Interview SC - Tuck's Return
JP - The Wheel of Life NavG - The Wheel SD - Advice from the Pond

Tuck Everlasting Song/Rap
Below are 3 songs created by students. Students had multiple options to demonstrate their understanding of the book. Each student (or group of students) wrote the lyrics and practiced their song in class. Great job. Enjoy!

"Water from the Magic Spring"

"Fresh Tucks of the Woods"