Spelling: Sitton Spelling Program
Our weekly spelling test use words from the Sitton Spelling program. You (sixth graders) are expected to know all words between 600 & 800 by the end of the year, as well as words 599 and below (from previous years). Each week, you are responsible for learning 5 new words and spelling 10 – 15 review words. This enables you to learn new words and holds you accountable for review words.
As you already know, you follow along in a reading passage in class so you can read how each word is used on context. This makes spelling concrete and useful, and allows you to choose the correct spelling for homophones and homographs.
Example: I ate eight pieces of candy.
They’re walking from their car to the parking lot.
Did you record the record I set at the baseball game last week?
It is to your advantage to commit your weekly spelling words to long-term memory since you will be tested on them several times this year. You are also expected to spell these words correctly on class/homework assignments throughout the year.
Spelling Words - 6th Grade
Review Spelling Words - 1st - 5th Grade |